Visiting the Lab?


Where are we?

We are located in Old Minor Hall toward the southeast corner of the campus. The lab is in room 485, which is one floor up from the ground floor of the old building.

Click here for a campus map indicating Minor Hall


There is public parking nearby. The two most convenient locations are indicated on the map. Follow the red dashed line to get to the lab.

How to Get here?

Oakland is the nearest airport, but San Francisco and San Jose airport are also OK. You can take public transit (BART) from Oakland or San Francisco to the Berkeley Campus.

Click here for directions to Minor Hall (and for parking if you are a patient in the Optometry clinic)

Where to Stay *walking distance to Minor Hall

*Durant Hotel

*Bancroft Hotel

*Women's Faculty Club (you must arrange with me before booking)

*Berkeley City Club

Holiday Inn Express


Austin Roorda, PhD

University of California, Berkeley

School of Optometry

rm 485 Minor Hall

Berkeley, CA 94720-2020

tel: 510-642-2380

fax: 510-643-5109

email: aroorda (at)